Finally, i filmed a super short clip of one of my winterwhite. As clever as it is, it's intensively trained. Gone were the days whereby we often had to worried if it suddenly go out of its home, it would go missing like how it was few weeks ago. I supposed once bitten twice shy, MiuMiu is showing more determination than ever to learn the skills of regconising its own home. Bravo MiuMiu! Love him Lots!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Micheal Clayton
A super boring movie. Thankfully, i need not pay for it (got it free from SAFRA movie club). A very typical movie with a very typical story plot and worse of all, it's draggy. The whole movie revolves around this 'commentator' telling what is happening etc. And this story is all about fraud, cheating, silencing the person who knows the secret, and eventually good trumiphs over evil. Gosh..Luckily, i slept through this boring movie. Watching such movie is torturing...Wonder how the others in the theater feels paying 9 bucks on a Sunday afternoon to watch this movie.
Dream Hair and 'I Am Legend'
Watched I Am Legend. A very nice movie. Finally Will Smith movie had hit success again. It's a long awaited wait i suppose. Very nice story plot. Hardly has any movie focus only on one actor, laving away lead actress etc. The usage of flashback on this movie is simply terrific, however, i thought that the flashback didn't ended very well.
The 'vampires' is so cool and when it comes to the part whereby he sacrifice himself for the world, it's kind of touching. But i suppose that's how legend is born.
Random Thoughts

Started playing Call of Duty at last. It's a game that got my addicted, but seriously at the wrong time. I have to control, for the sake of achieving good results for my exams.
Man Utd lost. I can't believe it. I simply can't. They lead, then drew and eventually lost. What is this. Why can't they just hold the lead? I very much wanted to blog about this match but the mood just isn't right. I'm disappointed.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friends Forever
Friendship: a building contract you sign with laughter and break with tears
So much had happened during my absence. YL's leaving in like few days time. I could literally sense the reluctance of him to leave everyone. But i'm sure it's a decision he find it hard to make as well. Reading Xia's blog even made feel for everybody. No wonder everybody so touched upon the guestures of YL and of course, sad upon his departure. It's great i still had a friend like him and perhaps my well wishes is the best i could do at this point of down after being such a let down.
Mild's intending to leave as well. Oh man, everybody's leaving. It's like why is everyone's leaving? I know the reason but this question will still pop up eventually.
Lots of emotions running through last night. Especially when they starts to talk about stuff which i don't know much. I was filled with regrets. I couldn't bring out a smile. But i'm really still glad that i'm still able to hang out with them. I hope that will be the case as well.
Peng's still the whacky one who's always doing most of the talking, or rather commenting. Funny as always. It's never bored with him around. Perhaps, i would have even appeared to be bored to them. I can't blame that pathetic look on my face when my stomach starts upsetting me. The pain come and go for the whole night.
Went Geylang for supper after much difficulty getting around. Frog Leg Porridge, Dim Sum, Soya Bean Milk and You Tiao. Yet, Mild is still hungry. She's always hungry, hasn't change any bit at all. She told us about her plans, i'm so envious of her. It's something i'll never be able to do.
Everybody has their plans...everybody seems to have a beam of light in the future ahead. Where's mine? I'm sure i have it as's just that mine is very very dim.
I promised i'll try to make it to every outing they have and i seriously hope i could do.
To me, Friendship is like a sweet responsibilty, and never an oppourtunity. It's hard to come by and easy to lose it. Cherish will be the key..........
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Man UTd Continues Winning Streak
Park Ji Sung is back at last. After missing out in action for months, i'm seeing him on TV, live! And once again, i'm seeing Saha in the starting 11. Tevez's not there, so is Ryan Giggs. I thought Nani was a surprise inclusion. As usual, he proved to be a bad bad buy. He's still isn't performing. From dribbling to positioning, he did it all badly. Perhaps the pressure on him is too great, so much so that everybody's comparing him to C.Ronaldo. But that's soccer, that's soccer in England. Compeition's everywhere.
Wes Brown, certainly amazing tonight. His passes, defending and assisting was great, specially the one which led to Rooney's goal. Great eyesight on the through pass which led to Rooney good positioning and with him collecting the through pass, he gently shot a low shot past the goalkepper. 1-0 to Man Utd.
Rooney out of the sudden, appeared almost everywhere on the field. This time round, assisting Saha. Saha hid himself behind a defender before sensing a cross from Rooney. He ran in front with surprise and sprang a flying kick from Rooney's cross and slot if away. 2-0 to Man Utd.
Throughout the whole of first half, all direct freekicks were all taken by C.Ronaldo. I used to curse him for being a bad freekick taker but today, he proved me wrong, totally all wrong. All his freekicks today were shot on target with the last one being a wonderful goal which even got Sunderland's Goalkepper, Gordon, stunned. 3-0 to Man Utd.
Man Utd players entered the tunnel into the dressing room in high spirits. Second half was a tough fight. Either side had their chances. Sunderland was still with their shaky passes with Man Utd holding out well.
Finally came the controvesial judgement. Nani fell to the ground, with the camera replayed, i thought it wasn't even any physical contact on him, perhaps it might have been a dive from Nani as well. But referee points to the spot and it's Man Utd 2nd penalty in 2 matches. Coolly, Saha slotted it away and made it 4-0 before the whole match ended with Roy Keane future in jeopardy.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
I'm not sure how it can happen but it did. Perhaps i hold too much hopes, which i shouldn't even did at all. I should have more or less expected that. Things has chance since long ago. I stubbornly refused to realise this fact. I know where i stand now. Chance given and not accepted.
What can i say? I had enough? It's not as simple as how i wish it could be. Perhaps, it's time i move on. I've many others who's supportive and actually made me realise my existance, so there's seriously no point dwelling.
I'm glad that before anymore disappointment is to be made, i stopped it. No more of such incidents. Once bitten, twice shy. For now, i'll be mindful. Appreciate whoever's appreciative of you. It's all inside my mind now, deep inside..
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Finally, Mambo...NO MORE
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Xmas
Christmas celebration was great. Met up with them again. Everything went as planned. Everything was enjoyable, but still, i thought the celebration could be longer. It ended kind of too early....perhaps there's isn't really nothing more to do.
Dinner reserved @ Mastro Bristo was eventually written off by us. We (Me
We changed our venue to a much better Hip Diner USA by Billy Bombers. a place with a very 'AMERICA' ambience. Perhaps some propaganda in play. But who cares, i'm just crossing my fingers, hoping the menu wouldn't be like what we faced earlier on.
Thankfully, when i flipped open, i see pictures of yummy food, food so familiar to me. Wahaa...after pondering, Hip Rooster was my choice. I copied Jonnie Girl! I regretted my choice anyway. Mushroom sauce spoilt everything. It was too creamy but the chicken was nice i must say. Had fun and nonsense over dinner..It's always so comforting to spend special occasion together.
Time to pay the bill. We collected the bill and ended up spending over 10 minutes odd calculating each person share. We calculate and calculate, in the end, the waiter persistantly asked us for it but we kept delaying. Finally, we came out with an amount and off we went. It was hilarious the way we put our money into that pool again and again. And no surprise, Gav was the founder of this 'hilarious' party.
Our next destination - Minds Cafe. I thought it's quite a good place to countdown to Christmas. When we reached there, all were present - Mun, JJ and Vicky joined in. Shortly, we started on the games.
All games were short but fun. Till one whereby we start forfeit for the losers. And yes, there comes a round where i'm a loser, along with Gav and Vicky. Vicky was chosen to choose a game for the next round whereas the forfeit for me and Gav was to kiss each other. GROSS enough. Being the kisser is tough, the one being kissed is even tougher. Eventually, i lost my 'virginity'. Oh man, but it's fun.
Another hilarious happening. Jon, the main actor this time round. We were playing this game whereby one have to describe what's on the card without mentioning certain words which appear on that card. Jon's first joke of the day : Jon said: 'I had an affair with the president of United States of America'. Jon's second joke of the day: He 'molest' himself.
Wahaa...i can't help laughing and worse, Gav's laughing got activated and all laughed. Jon's actions was funny....Jon saved the day....
We exchanged presents beforehand and i got a cool waterbootle from Gav. Thanks Gav..Nice Xmas celebration i had, thanks to everyone. I shall look forward to next year, eh, actually not next year, i'll look forward to next monday.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sick On Christmas Eve
Man Utd 2-1 Everton
I thought he was rather harsh. Man Utd scored through C.Ronaldo with him using his same old tactics and skills, getting past opponents before finding himself near the centre of the outside of the penalty box before attempting a curling shot which flew past T.Howard.
Not long after, Cahill scored. Heading the ball from a flying cross from the left, it caught me. I was shocked. I didn't expect the lead to be equalized so soon. Disappointed but hopeful at the same time.
Match was even all the way until the 80+ minute, i thought a draw is going to be decided. Giggs dribbled into the penalty and was brought down. PENALTY! Alright man, when the referee pointed to the spot, i knew it. Man Utd is going to wing and sure i was spot on. The game ended with Man Utd being the victor, closing up gap with Arsenal. Alright..All Hail Man Utd
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Xmas is coming and The Warlords
My most memorable Christmas so far was years ago where i celebrated at Chimes. Tml will be celebrating in advance in town. Crowd is expected but i seriously hope it's not going to dampen my mood for all this. I want to count down for Christmas
How i wish tml aren't a working day. Well, half a day indeed but still, i still have to wake up early in the morning.
I felt i'm more serious in studies. I took my studies seriously which i feel very proud of. I'm never going to let myself down again. Lesson on Friday really motivates me alot. All my hard work all shown to the lecturer, and within minute, my discussion with him with regards to my assignment ended. He seems pleased, me even more so. After this festive season celebration, it's exam already. I must really enjoyed myself again.
I'm thankful that i'm studying in a class
Watched The Warlords on Friday. Erm, i presumed it's a nice movie judging by the way the director intended to potray it. It's a very nice movie with a fresh piece of plot. But it's definitely not a 5 star movie. Not one of my favourite as well. I'm disappointed with this show, perhaps i hold too much hopes on Jet Li and Andy Lau. Nevertheless, worth the money.
Canon Selphy C740
Proud owner of Canon Selphy C740. Finally i bought this compact photo printer. Well, although the printing resolution aren't that well, but i'm sure digital editing will cover the flaws. For the price i paid, i couldn't complain much. At the very least, i'm able to save some cost in terms of printing photos. Isn't it better to see a physical photo than a digital photo? Doesn't it feel safer to see your photos physically rather than sobbing over the crashing of your hard disk and losing your precious moments? I've solved my problem.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Regrets and Stress
Submitted my IT assignment with regrets. I know i didn't do well enough. I don't really like this module, plus the lecturer of course. Instructions aren't specific. Anyway, i'm now certified Microsoft-Frontpage-Idiot. One down, one more to go. Tml's the deadline to submit the draft. I seriously thought i have the whole of today to do, but then, i was so wrong. I'm disappointed, sad and regretful. Well, it's ok. Time for me to burn my midnight oil.
Tried the 933 Golden Pillow for the very first time today. It was nice, but not as nice i expected it to be. The bread was baked well, skin was 'toast' to the right degree with the bread soft and tastes kind of sweet.
Christmas is coming. How i wish it's just tml. But haiz..I still have one guard duty this coming saturday. As long as there's a guard duty, any date after that seems so far away and long. I dread it. Presents are all about ready. Just need some wrapping and touch-up.
Monday, December 17, 2007
New ComputeR
Time to show off my wonderful specs:
- Intel Core 2 Dual
- 2GB ram
- Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT
- Asus motherboard
- 320GB Hdd
- Super writer DVD-rom
Not to even mention about the cpu casing which look so cool as compared to my previous 10 year old cpu casing.
At last, i took the initiative to study with my friend, and certainly it proved to be helpful. Dear finally got her point through to me. Now i fully understand how is it like to have someone whom know what being taught to study with you.
It's Triple Dates on Saturday. Wow...haa..It's never bored with them around. Just days after the chalet, we meet again. It's seems like old friends has gathered again. Watched 'Alvin and the chipmunks'. A extremely hilarious movie, a very nice comedy that i would recommend to EVERYBODY. Though it's only 1 and a half hour, but trust me, definitely worth the catch. I love their song so much and thanks to Gav, i'm going to get all of them from him. I'm going to catch those movies again.
Received my first batch of chalets photos from Gavian. More coming up. I'll blog about my wonderful chalet soon when all photos are being received.
PS: Man Utd won again and stayed on top of the table for 2 hours plus before Arsenal caught up with them and overtake them in the ranking table once again. Nevertheless, All Hail Man Utd.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Bitches Rot In Hell
Your royal status has earn you no extra mouth to bullshit around.
Love cannot be explained. I just can't figured out anything. How far would you go for your love? Would you go for your love in exchange to the strong friendship that you once had or even, currently having?
Worse of all, a love not regconized, is it worth all the effort? I don't mind all the ranting, i don't mind being there for you, but i can't stand the thought of having a 'fake' love. Few months down the road, what is it going to be? Still friends? How long can this last? Ever thought of that? Unless you are thinking of living for that moment, then i've got nothing to say.
Friend turned Foe?
Yes, she may be good to you once, to the extent of even being the best of friends, but then, things don't always stay the same forever. Circumstances changes a person, sometimes, very easily i would say. Don't live in your past shadow. You owe her nothing. Don't fall into her trap, you are not a puppet.
Gossips kills? Gossip hurts? Not unless you think it does. If a person meant to hurt you, and you did just that, then she just got what she wants. Why listen to her bullshit and make yourself suffer or painful whereby she's there gloating away for your pain?
Friends can be a great companion in our growing up. No one can live without friends. But then again, know just who deserve to be your friend. I'm sure there's still friends who care for you.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Taxi Fare Hikes
ComfortDelgro actually had their expansions overseas as well, as oh well, it quoted ' World 2nd Largest Transport Operator'. I was totally amazed by that. They had their operations over at countries like Australia and even China as well. Wow...they must have earned alot i though. Looking at their annual turnover, it's even more amazed. To think that they only provides such mild rebates for taxi drivers, and still claiming it's time they impose some of the 'needed operation fees' on consumers. Reason being, to ensure a smoother operation and fairer fare for all consumers.
Well, i'm in no position to judge. Well, let's talk about the hikes then. I'm agreeable to all except for two changes which i deemed too unreasonable. Firstly being the peak hour charge. From the originally $2 flat rate, it's going to be increased to 35% of the total cab fare coming Monday. How is that reasonable. What if a trip goes more then let's say 20km? The original flat rate would be just enough but the upcoming changes would be heavy on that consumer. Moreover, the longer the mileage, simply put it, already the more taxi driver earn. Second, the 20 cents jump instead of the original 10 cent. From 10 cent every 210km, it's going to be 20 cents for every 385km. And wait, that's only for mileage clocking 10km or less, after 10km, it's 20 cents every 330km. Wah, it seems pretty attractive package to be a taxi driver now.
Best of all from ComfortDelgro, they are going to remain the same rental rates of taxi to taxi drivers. That's of course, if not, they'll not only be earning from us but also the taxi drivers as well. But soon to be, it's seriously rumoured that the base taxi fare is going to be up to 6-7 bucks. Prepared for the worst as this goes on. Gosh......
PS: The media release was funny to even include the taxi fares of other countries to compare to ours in Singapore. How about putting those from Malaysia, India or even Thailand. Bullshit.....
Lies vs Trust
How would you judge whether a lie harms? Kills? Hurts?
What kind of lie would be consider a white lie?
Why actual explanation more than often could not cover the fake intention of lying?
Is lying really unforgiveable?
If just to lie to a person, there's so many things to consider, then one would really have to lie. At times, there's just a thin line between lie and trust. Lying to a person doesn't mean you are causing the person whom you are lying to to not trust you as much as before.
Sometimes, the lie isn't that serious, but it's because the explanation isn't that convincing enough to allow that lie to be pardonable, until it backfired and everything just worsen.
Right now, i don't know whether to proceed or move back. I'm left hanging in the air. Nothing is done. Nothing is said. I couldn't do anything now....Sadly....Trust does not need to involve belief in the good character, vices, or morals of the other party.
When will i be able to gain back the trust so i was told that it's lost yet i just couldn't believe and accept it?
Money Spendings For Festive Month
So many things i want to buy, so many thing i want to do, so many people i'm treating. Treated my beloved mother and brother to a good meal of japanese food. Next, i'm going to fork out a sum to treat her (just like how she treated me when she got her pay rise few months back), and of course, not forgetting to set aside some for my dad's upcoming birthday.
Part of my new pay is going to go to the mobile phone which i recently bought happily. I am still considering whether to buy my 'Canon' compact photo printer or not, but then again, i still need to buy my new monitor for my upcoming new desktop sponsored lovingly by my dad. Money never seems to be enough, not unless you start to find money is a hindrance. (I bet Mr Bill Gates must have even used up his notes to wipe his butt after shitting).
Festive season is going to dig a hole into my pocket and wallet as well. Presents and feast is a must so such spendings cannot be avoided. As long as we enjoy this holidays season, everything goes.
If money can buy you happiness, will you?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Nokia N81 and Company of Heroes
But it's not difficult to see why. Its function alone is enough to make you wow. A 3G phone with Wilan, 2 MP camera (with flash), bluetooth, music and video player along with the soon to be launched N-gage games for all N Series phone, rumoured to be released end of this year, which is soon. For more information of this phone, go to this website
Please SEE: Anyone Who Knows Of Any Shop That Currently Sells Nokia N81, Please Sms / Call / E-mail / Msn me. Many Thanks.
Started playing 'Company of Heroes'. Definitely a nice game. It's been a long time since such a nice strategy game has been released. And even better, this game releastically display the play of real war which happen during our grandfathers time. I just can't wait to complete it. The next game to play after i get my new computer - Call of Duty 4!
Exams Results I
Finally got back my results. After 2 pathetic months of waiting, i finally got it back. Slightly disappointed at it. I got A (80% and above) for my business management and B(between 70% - 79%) for my accounting. Well, perhaps that should still be the result that i should have expected. Next exam should be much tougher than this and i don't really expect myself to score that well. Nevertheless, i'll try my very best.
Aww...didn't get to catch Man Utd in action again yesterday. They won! I'm getting old i supposed. In the past, i could easily stay up till wee hours in the morning without feeling tired at all, but now, i just keep yawning at as the clock ticks on....i can't admit that i'm old....
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Marathon Marks The End of The Week
At least, under the Starhub latest promotion scheme, i'm able to upgrade my handset without having to wait for my contract to end or even nearing the end. All thanks to my mother, being a hub club member. Well, i must say the compeition between Starhub and Singtel really benefits consumers under them. Promotions, freebies, discounts and stuff are always on the go to maintain the compeition between the two, so in the end, it's still a win-win situation.
I bought my Nokia N81 for 298 bucks, signing a two year contract as well. I'm been pondering on which phone to get and finally, i managed to make up my mind on it. I had to choose between Nokia N81 and Nokia N81 8gb. Comparing the two, either a fool or a 'in need of space' person would buy the latter. The difference between the two phone, a whopping $300++ and 6gb space. So would you pay $300++ for 6gb worth of memory? If yes, please let me know, so i can term you a fool, unless you are able to come up with a very good reason to rebuke my pathetic thinking?

I couldn't believed i switched back to be a Nokia mobile phone user after falling in love for years with Sony Ericsson mobile phone. Still not quite used to my new mobile phone, but certain, the functions and stuff has assured me i've made the right choice. Not only that, but the thought that i'll be having the same phone with Dearie just makes me excited..
Finally caught 'Hitman' on screen on Friday with Gavian, Mun and Don. It's been a long time since i last saw them. Exams's the only thing that has distanced us but not anymore, cos they are having their holidays now. Anticipation has got the better of me for this movie. I've been waiting for months for its release and time and time again, it disappoint me with its delay in its release date.A very nice movie and nice plot. Parts were extracted from the game itself. Being a fan of this game series, i'm totally amazed by how they are able to convert part of the game into the movie lifeline. However, the female lead certainly spoils everything. There wasn't even a single girl in the game, perhaps those civilians i would say. Overall, not that bad for a game-converted-movie.

Agent 47 (Timothy Olyphant) has been educated to become a professional assassin for hire, whose most powerful weapons are his nerve and a resolute pride in his work. 47 is both the last two digits of the barcode tattooed on the nape of his neck, and his only name. The hunter becomes the hunted when 47 gets caught up in a political takeover. Both Interpol and the Russian military chase the Hitman across Eastern Europe as he tries to find out who set him up and why they're trying to take him out of the game. But the greatest threat to 47's survival may be the stirrings of his conscience and the unfamiliar emotions aroused in him by a beautiful, damaged girl...
Went to SITEX with Don on Saturday. And oh gosh, the crowd was expected but still, i wass shocked at it. I literally had to squeeze throgh every human being there. Lots of new and cool gadgets. Hoping to catch some good deal but i failed. Thinking that it's only one hall, it wouldn't take long to complete a round of it. But i was so wrong. Time didn't allowed me to fully cover the whole hall. Bought a AntiVirus program - PCcilin and almost bought a compact photo printer but i didn't because of the long queue.
Past 2 marathons i've attended warn me of the dire consequences of not having enough sleep just before each marathon, yet yesterday night was much worse. I slept only 2 hours at Jon's house, before we could actually rush to take a cab down to hope onto the shuttle bus to bring us to the venue.
It's my first ever 21km marathon. My target 2 hours and 30 mins, and hopefully, aiming not to walk as well. Well, the first few km was smooth and steady. I jogged with Gavian all the way until 8km whereby i lost him. By then, he was already far behind me. I'm glad that i've finally broke my personal best by continously jogging without stopping. Previous record was 7km continously. As i run towards the 12km mark, i began to feel that pain on my knee. It's something i've never experienced so obvious and strong before and i kept wondering if it's normal. But time and time again, you get to see other runners stretching themselves and stuff, i i just beared with the pain and carried on.
At 18km, the pain was really unbearable. I stopped and walked. While walking, guilt and disappointment filled my mind and heart, then was when i tried pushing myself to run again. By then, i can literally feel the pain and really feel as though my feet wasn't on the ground, it's near numb. As i knew, the moment i started walking, i would have this mindset set to walk whenever i think i want or need to. It was so tempted. Time and time again, i pushed myself. It's already 2 and a half hr and i'm just one km plus away from the finishing line i presume. And so, i really push myself and force the little amount of energy left in my body, bite on the pain and run. I realised i was motivated, knowing that finishing line was near. I was running the faster than before, and eventually sprinting myself across the finishing line - the time marks 2 hours and 39 mins. Although i failed to meet my target, but i'm already very satisfied and proud. I collected the finisher medal with a sense of achievement. I can't believed it myself that i actually completed the marathon, and even broke my personal best by running continously 18km without stopping.
The pain was strong. It was near unbearable. Even as i'm typing away now, but come to think of it, it's good training for me. And seeing those results of those winners, i'm really amazed of what human body can do. They are really very very good runners. They run as though there's no tomorrow, not only that but also that they ran as though they weren't even breathless. Gosh....

First up, K Box. Time for me to sing my throat off. Same goes for Dearie. We missed KBox, we missed how we would sing to the ryhtm and tunes, with me going off tune at times as well. Not forgetting the lunch provided as well. Not that bad considering the price being offered.
Managed to surprise Dearie with a bouquet of pink rose to her. My very first pink roses to her. I'm not sure if she's really being caught off guard and was surprised by my secretive actions, but it's obvious she was smitten with the roses right after she got it.
We had our dinner @ Crystal Jade Xiao Long Bao. The La Mian, the xiao long bao and stuff, all so yummy. Oh ya, we took a nice neoprint as well. But then again, we don't really likes the effects and shots available given to us. Still, it turned out nice, perhaps it's just us.
Once again, Happy Belated Birthday Dearie.